05 Apr Miami International Piano Festival
GRAND FINALE–May 15 at 7:00 PM
“The Magic of Opera & Piano Transcriptions”
In Collaboration with the Vocal Studio of Manny Perez
This unique program will feature Opera Singers singing arias of Verdi, Puccini, Bizet & Meyerberg followed by piano Transcriptions by Liszt, Busoni performed by the two pianists’ featured: VINCENZO MALTEMPO & MISHA DACIC
Eglise Gutierrez Soprano
Elaine Alvarez Soprano
Jennifer Zamorano Soprano
Armando Naranjo Baritone
Betsy Diaz, Soprano
Nathalie Avila Soprano
Mabel Ledo Mezzo Soprano
Martin Nusspaumer Tenor
Maria Antunez Soprano
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